
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Help put a smile on a little girls face

Helping's never over-rated.  In life, we are all facing different obstacles and sometimes someone somewhere needs us more than we think.  How would you like to help bring happiness to a complete stranger?  It costs less than $5.00, it will only take a couple minutes and it will make you feel so much better about yourself. 

I am going to help make a complete stranger smile - will you?

Lauren Senn lives in Howard City, MI and her brother has Mitochondrial disease and is very sick and on the verge of hospice care.  Beautiful Lauren is turning 4 years old on January 24th.  The last several months have been very difficult on her as her brother is having many complications with his disease.  Like any kid, Lauren loves getting mail so her family is hoping some people will be able to send her a card or a letter to help make her birthday a very special one.

Her address is:
Lauren Senn
23534 Almy Rd
Howard City, MI 49329

You may check out her brothers medical process at:

As we have experienced in our own family, the child with special needs gets more attention than the other child.  It's not fair but we have yet to find the equal balance.   We try to do special things with Chloe so she doesn't feel left out, however the true reality is, life revolves around Allie and her feeding schedule, vomiting, numerous therapies, doctors appointments, procedures and well you get the picture.  So, let's make precious Lauren feel extra special on her 4th birthday - all you have to do is send her a birthday card!!

Thank you for supporting other tubie families!!!

The girls having a snack

Our future rock stars

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