
Friday, March 4, 2011

Going Good

Things in the Berndt house are under control and it's smooth sailing.  We have been extremely busy with Allie's doctors appointments along with numerous evaluations for Early Childhood and then her neurological development in general.  Even with Allie being extremely shy and not liking guys, especially male doctors, she has participated in every evaluation very well.  She loves being evaluated and loves the "one on one" attention she gets.  She try's to come across as being completely shy but when the doctor or therapist offers her a sticker, she totally ham's it up and becomes a little sweetie pie. Of course, when she's tired of something she simply says, "all done" or "I don't know answer".  There is no giving in either, when she's done she's done!!!

We are continuing to keep Allie mostly corn free and gluten free.  Of course I am finding hidden corn in a lot of things these days but Allie is doing great with the foods she is getting so we aren't going to change anything up at this point.  Allie is handling all of her bolus feeds and we are slowly increasing the volume.  She is now receiving 5 bolus feeds a day with 5.25 oz of blenderized diet and a 1 oz water flush.  She does not gag or vomit or anything.  She can jump around right after a feeding and have no vomiting issues at all.  Honestly, I never thought life without vomit could be so good.  I had become so used to Allie vomiting during each feed that I was numb to it all - including the smell and the mess it made.  Now, we have been vomit free for a while and looking back, I give myself and Allie credit for making it through such a tough time.  We were both miserable and neither one of us enjoyed tube feeding!!!  It's a different story now - of course I wish Allie would eat like a normal 2 year old but for now, what we are doing is working and it's working well.   Allie is growing and handling all of her tube feedings.  She goes in to start bi-weekly weight checks  on Monday - I cannot wait to see how she registers on the doctors scale.  This morning I weighed her and she was 25.6 pounds - yup, that's right.  A whopping 25.6 pounds - yeah Allie.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Here are some more pictures of Chloe at soccer this week - I'm so proud of her!

Little Miss Chloe is getting so big!

This is how Allie entertains herself while watching sister play soccer.

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