
Monday, October 3, 2011

Made it to Milwaukee

It's 9:00 pm and we made it to Milwaukee.  Unfortunately, we didn't get a room at the Ronald McDonald house but there is always hope for tomorrow.  Thanks to Matt who wanted to try a "different" hotel than our usual one, we are staying in a Day's Inn which is a complete dive.  I guess you cannot expect much for $55.00 a night :)

Allie is very nervous for tomorrow.  She keeps asking if we are going to the hospital yet.  I kept explaining to her on the way here that tomorrows testing will not hurt. Mom will be feeding her a normal bolus feed with her BD (except they will inject her BD with radio active material and she will receive her feeding in radiology), after that, she will lay on a table for 1 1/2 hours and they will take constant x-rays of her stomach. After that, Allie will return to radiology every 1/2 hour for additional x-rays.  Allie thinks it's funny that they will be taking pictures of her belly - that's about the only thing she thinks is funny about this whole thing.  I'm sure the gastric emptying and intestinal follow through test will go well - at least I know it won't be painful for her.  I'm sure making her lay on the hard table for an hour and a half without moving is going to be tough but we can handle that - as long as the pain isn't bad :)

So, tonight we are staying in our little Day's Inn Dive and relaxing.  Allie is playing with her little people on the floor and I'm just about ready for bed.  I'm nervous myself tonight - it's always such a emotional rush going back to the Children's Hospital, especially knowing we will be here for several days.  As always, we will go through this with confidence and we will continue to pray that this procedure and surgery leads us into the direction with answers.

I'll keep you updated on how little Allie is doing.  I'm expecting my little princess will do wonderful tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. can you download videos to your phone? that was how we got through movies on my blackberry for three hours (his nuc emptying scan was done a little differently everyone has their own ideas of how to do it lol)
    We had Sean's scope last week just waiting on biopsy results.
