
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

GI Follow-Up

It's been a while since I've posted.  Allie was back on tube feeds for a short time while she started Kindergarten.  She had lost a pound within a couple days of starting school so we started her feeds back up.  I kept her on her tube feeds until she gained the pound back. 

She had a follow-up with her GI doctor today. The appointment went okay, not great but not bad either.  The last time Allie saw GI was on August 29th so it's been almost 3 months.  Little Allie hasn't gained any weight in the past 3 months - bummer!!!!!  She is hanging steady at 32.6 pounds.  I'm a bit disappointed but at least she's not loosing weight. 

Our plan right now is to give her another month without tube feeds and really try to encourage her to eat more orally.  I will be pushing her calorie intake daily.  If she doesn't gain weight within the next month, we may have to go back to some tube feeds, we will see. 

This Friday we see a new specialist at the Marshfield Clinic.  Allie will meet Dr. Rice, he's a Metabolic Geneticist.  We have been waiting to see him for over a year.  I'm anxious for this appointment.  I'm not getting my hopes up that we will get answers but you just never know. I'll update on Friday after her appointment to let you know if we get any new leads.

Allie now has a Wisconsin 504 plan for school also.  She got approved for the plan about a month into school.  The school is providing someone to be with Allie during snacks and lunch so they can monitor her and encourage her to eat.  They are also keeping a diary of what Allie is eating and drinking during the day.  Thank you to everyone at the school that is taking care of my little girl - you guys are doing amazing!!!

Allie is loving Kindergarten and she adjusted very well.  I'm so proud of her!

Allie always striking a pose

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